Rebellion and violence are spreading in America and around the world, much based on false information
about religions, resulting in fear, evacuations, immigrations, deaths and destructions
Persecutions and discriminations of various religions results from misinformation
An unnecessary inequality, division, conflict and discrimination in our present schedule of No Work
Days exists
Schools, Education and Business Programs cannot fairly schedule extra classes and activities with
young and old when they keep different holy days, thereby excluding and discriminating or discouraging efficient programming
Government, Congress, United Nations etc. exclude members from important discussions and/or voting,
violating rights of citizens because of conflicting national or religious no work days
Present National Holidays with banks and government offices and businesses closed, and some open
discourages efficiency and profitability in businesses etc.
Family members cannot gather efficiently for shopping or worshipping with different no work days
Greater structure and unity can benefit all businesses, families and governments,
An AGREED UPON STANDARD of No Work Days. (Exodus 20 & Leviticus 23, Exodus 12) is available through
the word of God to prophets around the world, since most religions acknowledge Moses as God's Lawgiver : EXAMPLES:
Bible: Matthew 4:4 (man shall live by every word of God); Luke 16:31, John 5:45-47; Psalm 119, Malachi 4:4;
Deuteronomy 4:2; Leviticus 23; 24:22; Exodus 12:49)
(Qur'an, Ahmad. #s: 5.68, 69; "O People of the scriptures, you
stand on nothing till you observe the Torah (Law of Moses) and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and all God sent down to you."
5.43-51, 17:3; 6:155, 156)
(Zoroastra: Avesta means "the Law"; Verethraghna: "the Word of the Law would become victorious..")
(Buddha: "happy is teaching of the true law.")
(Rig Veda:10:9 creator.."whose laws are true")
"The Way of the Law.")
(Bahai: Tablets of Baha' u'llah page 109 "Unto no one is given the right to deviate from the
laws and ordinances of God.")
(Gita: 18:25 "That action performed in illusion, in disregard of scriptural injunctions
and without concern for future bondage or for violence or distress caused to others is said to be in the mode of ignorance."
We call upon US President Barack Obama, US Congress and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon,
to proclaim UNITED
NO WORK DAYS to bring greater stability, equality, unity and peace and to more fairly support and lift up the freedom of religion
and equality for all people.
Added Benefits:
*** Greater efficiency, profitability and conservation of energy
resources when workplaces close one day a week.
*** Greater equality in scheduling classes, helps, meetings and family
*** Better family relationships.
*** Greater respect, unity and equality brings peace and stability
That we quickly change our national weekly NO WORK DAY from Sunday to the 7th day commanded in
the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20:8-11, Saturday, sunset to sunset).
That the other COMMANDED
NO WORK DAYS in Leviticus 23 are declared to be national NO WORK DAYS, (There is one on either side of week-long memorial
feasts that would make wonderful times to schedule week-long vacations. There is one in the spring and one in the fall. We
should cancel other national holidays that bring great expense, confusion and pollution.
Deuteronomy 4:2 God says not to add to or diminish from His word. That word provides structure and unity.
Peace can follow.