Questions E-mailed to President Obama & US Attorney DC, CD Phillips - 7-30-09

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Questions E-mailed to President Obama & US Attorney DC, CD Phillips - 7-30-09

Email sent as :
Press Release &
Pres. Obama Charges and Questions for US Attorney DC, CD Phillips

July 30, 2009
Marie Devine
3023 Montgall Ave
Kansas City, MO 64128-1527


U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia

555 4th Street N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20530




and News and All

For Immediate Release:

Full Authority Given.


To:  The Honorable Channing D Phillips  ... (I hope the title fits.)  & To Above"


Subject:  Authority to investigate Barack Obama

              & Quo Warranto in Donofrio

              Same authority to investigate terrorists in America

I posted the information after #s 1-17 on 7-29-09 in a comment on "Neighbors offer different portrait of NC Terrorists "  Feel free to multiply it or use any part of it to:  
1.  End the controversy about Barack Obama's legal right to be president, being a citizen of Indonesia for about 15 years or more, even after 18 years old;
 2.  To see if he legally changed his name back to Barack Obama after adoption and living as B. Soetoro, an Indonesia citizen;
 3.  To see if he legally was naturalized as a citizen of the United States;
 4.  To see if he attended schools in the United States as an Indonesian foreign student on a student visa;
 5.  To see if he obtained a scholarship available only to foreign students, including a Fullbright Scholarship while at Occidental College.
 6.  To see if the surrender of his and his wife's law licences in Illinois had to do with lying about identity or nationality;
 7.  To see if he swore falsely in application for president, senator in Illinois, or law licence;
 8.  To gain release of his documents proving his identity, nationality, citizenship and travel to foreign countries;
 9.  To determine what passport he used to travel to Pakistan in 1981 when travel was forbidden to US citizens;
10.  To see if he fraudulently obtained or created a Selective Service Registration and associated print-out that he had not signed up for at age 18 to deceive voters;
 11.  To see if he swore truthfully before Chief Justice Roberts that he, Barack Hussein Obama, will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. (Both name, eligibility and purpose)
 12.  To see if he used his office to get Major Cook fired and his Afghanistan orders revoked to silence his legal attempt to verify Barack Obama's legal authority to be Commander In Chief of the Military and President of the United States. Note that both the president and Major Cook took oaths to defend the Constitution and that is all Major Cook was doing.
13.  To see if his father listed on his original full birth certificate is Barack Obama Sr. a British citizen of Kenya;  and if the place, date, time and details of his birth are accurately portrayed in the Certificate of Live Birth posted by his campaign.  Hawaii official said he was natural-born citizen  (That requires two American citizens with no legally divided citizenships.)
14:  To see if his adoption by Lolo Soetoro was registered to his birth certificate; and if he hid it with the posted COLB.
15.  To see how his sister also had a Certificate of Live Birth from Hawaii, though born in Indonesia, proving it was not necessary to be born in Hawaii to have such a certificate.
 16.  To see if these are criminal charges of voter fraud to deceive voters to gain control of the US government, forgeries, lying under oath, covering up illegal activity, and any other legal charges appropriate. 
  17.  To see if all these charges can be quickly checked through the Quo Warranto in the Donofrio case.
These are dangerous times with distrust all around.  If charges above show voter fraud by deceiving voters by hiding his identity,  he should be arrested and removed from office, .  If he is there illegally, impeachment is probably not necessary.   It is my hope, for the good of ALL concerned, that Barack Obama resign, dissolving his appointments and laws signed.  The evidence seems to show, he will be removed one way or the other; he and his family would be better off to get out while the getting out is easiest.



The same authority that allowed access to the records concerning citizenship and foreign travel of the men charged with terrorism in North Carolina is the same authority that citizens demand be used to prove that Barack Obama was an Indonesian citizen for about 15 years even after 18 years old, and is therefore not entitled to be making decisions for this country as the President of the United States.  He sits before the most sensitive security information of our nation and other nations.  There is no evidence he legally changed his name back to Obama after being Soetoro, or that he became a naturalized citizen after being an Indonesian citizen.  These things must be investigated, and the legal access is available as it was for the men arrested on terrorism charges in North Carolina.


Barack Obama  is not that different from these men arrested, except for the guns; but he has the US military and reserves to work with.  He traveled to Pakistan with a Muslim friend; do we know why or what he did there?   He went to Russia.  What passport did he use in 1981 when he traveled to Pakistan when it was forbidden to US citizens?  He has lied to officials of our nation in getting his law degree, saying he had no other names and applying as a candidate of US presidency and possibly before for US Senator.


He used Communist tactics of intimidation and ridicule to those who question his legal right to hold office.  He got Major Cook fired and revoked a commission to Afghanistan that he signed up for instead of having the military prove his eligibility by showing his school records and full birth certificate.  That is not freedom in America, where we use law and order to make changes.  People revert to other means when law and order does not work.


There are improprieties on his Selective Service Registration and print out and evidence that seems to show an insider helped to forge his registration to make it look like he registered at 18 when he did not.  As a foreign student he did not have to register at 18, but needed to look like he registered when campaigning for president.    There is more than enough information, even at http://obama-birth-cert-forged-sss-impeach.blogspot.com and http://www.divine-way.com/forgery_evidences_sss_reg_colb_birth_cert_for_obama_impeachment.html

 to get access to his full birth certificate, college and passport records. 


There was a break-in at the passport office last summer; he should be examined to see if he was part of that, trying to hide his passport information.  A man associated with that was found dead. The Barack Obama eligibility issue should be our highest priority even above terrorism because the wrong person as president is more dangerous. 



U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia

555 4th Street N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20530




He is the "acting" U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia where the president resides. Jeffrey A. Taylor just 'quit'.  We do not know why.

As far as I know, the Quo Warranto that Leo Donofrio filed previously with the Honorable Jeffrey Taylor is still in the U.S. Attorney's office in the District of Columbia.  It needs to be acted upon.  That is what we should be requesting of The Honorable Channing D. Phillips.

Wikipedia:  Quo warranto today

In the United States today, quo warranto usually arises in a civil case as a plaintiff's claim (and thus a "cause of action" instead of a writ) that some governmental or corporate official was not validly elected to that office or is wrongfully exercising powers beyond (or ultra vires) those authorized by statute or by the corporation's charter.

There should be some action on that so we do not have to flood The Honorable Channing D Phillips office with email and letters.   I will send my letter soon.


There would be no race riot over a black man who deceived his nation and his people to gain control of the US government by lies and deceit.  Black people know when they are being used.   If I were black, I would send a letter saying, I am black and I want the truth, where-ever it leads. 

It is Barack Obama's administration and  special interest groups that are pushing the “race” card trying to generate hate between races where there is none to generate a race riot or the threat of one when they need one.

He got elected didn’t he? 

Marie Devine
3023 Montgall Ave
Kansas City, MO 64128-1527  USA
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