Marie Devine For The Divine Way
God has solutions for problems created by ignoring His wisdom

Our Garden Paradise Lifestyle


Our Garden Paradise Lifestyle Is Available Now.
How We Create The Garden Paradise 
God's Garden Paradise is begun by us. We need only to want it the divine way. the rest just flows and creates it. 
Direct our candidates and leaders to head toward a garden paradise.
Vote for those in agreement.

Talk about the garden paradise we are part of building and  give people HOPE and PEACE in the future.

Head toward the divine way garden lifestyle.  You will see what is important and what is emptiness in your life and you will DELIGHT in the simplicity of God's RETIREMENT LIFESTYLE.  (Men, that includes fishing and outdoor life, you don't have to wait.)

Remember this is a beautiful, helpful, creation to be a pleasure to God and your neighbor, not a poverty scene.  This is a lifestyle of true riches in a rich, lush setting to gladden the most lofty among us.  True beauty overwhelms us with peace and joy.  (Pardon me, I must take a praise break:  Glory, Glory, Glory to God for His love toward us.)  Thanks, I hope you said Amen to that.)

Head toward a garden lifestyle.  I suggest a marvelous book:
Carla Emery, author:
Encyclopedia of Country Living: Old Time Country Recipes
This treasure has 800 plus large pages full of old-time living ways, good for urban lots and larger pieces of land, everything from choosing land, building various animal housing, caring for the animals, growing vegetables and trees etc, preserving foods, AND RECIPES for food and crafts. 
She has 30 years of older generation suggestions supplimenting her own experience.  She tells how to make feather bedding, etc. using all the things a garden life creates.  She clearly loved the life, felt God in it, and felt God prompted her to create this book.  She was a tireless worker of promoting getting back to the country.
I had a city lot when I used her book and I just wanted everybody to experience this book.  Beside HOLY books, this has been a most special tool for me.  I only began my garden life in 1997 and had to stop in 2006.  I long to get back to it and get fully involved in it with animals.  The addition of the animals brings it into fullness because they do so much and eat the extra vegetation  that we don't eat.  God really does know what He is doing.
Start Your Glorious Adventure !!!

Plan on getting USEFUL PETS, a goat, sheep, calf, chickens,ducks, or geese etc.  There are many email and web addresses for all forms of information in Carla's book.

Just like you would go after any other hobby, seach for related subjects
You will find them in many price ranges from free on up  and  from libraries to bookstores, and don't forget community gardens and County Extention Services.

Looks for Books, Pamphlets on the subject, Catalogues.... You will really enjoy the journey into the PROMISED LAND OF MILK AND HONEY

Fruit Trees,   Nut Trees,   Fruit Bushes and Vines,   Arbors, Trellises, Fences
Vegetables,   Seeds, (Don't buy hybrid vegetables),   Container Gardening

Sheep,   Goats,    Calf,   Chickens and Chicken Coops,  Ducks,   Geese, 
rm Animals
Small Farms,   Homesteads,   Country Living,   Natural Lifestyle