Forgery of SSS Reg., RIMS HISTORY, Certificate of
Live Birth (COLB):
No Security Clearance or Eligibility To Be President
Conclusive, convicting, and easily verified evidence is included
here showing that President Barack Hussein Obama should be removed from office immediately. He has not shown identity
and supporting evidence to have security clearance to be president, though he controls the military, has increased high military
personnel in his administration, and has authority over nuclear and other secret and/or technical armaments, information and
By his own hands and/or with his direction
and/or consent has attained the office of President of the United States by conspiracy, deceit, fraud, lies, forgery, misrepresentation
and withholding required documents proving his eligibility to be president. He has conspired for deceit and fraud and used
lies, fraud, forgery and deceit knowing that he would not be elected if his true identity, associations and ineligibility
were known.
The US Constitution: Article I Section 4: "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of
the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes
and misdemeanors."
While Senator, Barack Obama, by himself and/or his associates, conspired and fraudulently fabricated
and forged his Selective Service System Registration form, related HIMS HISTORY inquiry screen and Certificate of Live Birth
(COLB) documents, and tampered with United States Postal Service date stamp and presented them to deceive the voters of the
United States of America, implying that he was eligible to become President of the United States and to gain control of the
United States government. These are Federal high crimes and misdemeanors at the very least.
While Senator, Barack
Obama, by himself and/or his associates, he hid and/or made inaccessible, and/or denied access, and/or refused access to documents
that could prove his identity and eligibility or ineligibility to be President of the United States for the purpose of deceiving
voters of the United States of America to gain control of the United States government with lies, fraud and deceit. Barack
Obama has spent over $800,000 to hide his identity, refusing petitions through courts. He refusing access to a full birth
certificate, medical records, passport and school records, proving he fully believes there is something to hide.
allowed himself to take an oath before the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that he would faithfully protect, defend and
preserve the Constitution of the United States at the very time he refused to prove he was eligible to be president according
to the law. of the Constitution. He has perverted the election procedure, and acquired access to and authority over classified
and military information, technology and plans without security clearance procedures or proper identification. These are high
crimes and misdemeanors bordering on treason and creat a high priority situation to immediately remove and then impeach President
Barack Hussein Obama. II.
Barack Hussein Obama II is causing a hardship on our court system. There are several lawsuits
to present evidence of eligibility and they are expensive in time, resources and money and should be unnecessary. There have
been lawsuits in ten states and some are ongoing. One of the latest is against the government for failure to verify eligibility:
to verify eligibility. KERCHNER et al v. OBAMA et al filed January 20, 2009
Barack Obama II knew he could not pass an eligibility investigation: He rejected using public funding when
he told the voters and his fellow candidates, John McCain and others, he would limit himself to public funding. He found FEC
must verify candidate's eligibility to participate in public funding.
"In the Berg v Obama lawsuit, the FEC has responded
to the suit, asking to be removed from the suit as it is not the responsibility of the FEC to verify a candidates eligibility.
THE FEC only verifies a candidates eligibility to participate in public funding, which, Obama is not participating in. So,
we now have the FEC washing their hands of verification, as well as the FBI washing their hands.
"President Barack
Hussein Obama II, and those who promoted him and received appointments knowing he was hiding his identity and might not be
eligible for the office of president are guilty of deceiving the voters and government of the United States of America and
should be removed from office and impeached.
It is further suggested that the government formed by Barack Hussein
Obama II be dissolved in its entirety; that any changes or agreements made during his presidency be abandoned and/or otherwise
removed from the record, and the former personnel be brought back as a caretaker government, if willing, and an immediate
election take place for a replacement. The mental and physical security of the United States requires that someone familiar
with the government and recent happenings would be leading our nation so foreign and domestic problem-makers will not take
advantage of us at this important and crucial time; and that leaders of other governments would know the government is in
capable hands and the people of the United States would know our government has not been handed to agents or people connected
with the Barack Hussein Obama II political machine.
** Laws and Related Information Regarding Offences and Charges
is between "************" and "************" separator lines.
** Evidence specific to SSS Registration
Forgery, Conspiracy and Related Information is between "=============" and "==============" separator lines.
** Evidence
specific to COLB (Certificate of Live Birth) Forgery, Conspiracy and Related Information is between "++++++++++++" and "++++++++++++"
separator lines. ************************************************************************
I Section 4: "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office
on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
I : “No person except a natural born citizen…. Shall be eligible to the office of President”
REGARDING SSS REGISTRATION: 1-103. Persons born in calendar year 1961 shall present themselves for registration on any
of the six days beginning Monday, July 28, 1980.
Non citizens and Dual NationalsNon citizens who are not required
to register with Selective Service include men who are in the U.S. on student or visitor visas, and men who are part of a
diplomatic or trade mission and their families. Almost all other male non-citizens are required to register, including illegal
aliens, legal permanent residents, and refugees. Dual nationals of the U.S. and another country are required to register,
regardless of where they live, because they are U.S. nationals.
["Registration of young men with the
Selective Service System was resumed in 1980 after a 5-year suspension. Peacetime draft registration of young men born in
1960 and 1961 was conducted in a 2-week period in July 1980, and a subsequent registration of those born in 1962 was carried
out in a 1-week period in January 1981. Since then, the Selective Service has conducted continuous registration whereby young
men are required to register at the post office within 30 days of the date they reach 18 years of age."
Source: July 28, 1982 Statement of Dr.
Kenneth Coffey, Associate Director (Military), Federal Personnel and Compensation Divison, before a subcommittee of the House
Committee on the Judiciary]
*** If you are eligible to register with Selective Service and fail to do so on time, you may receive a fine of up to
$250,000 and/or five years in jail. Registering with Selective Service is Federal law. It is also required to stay eligible
for many Federal and state benefits.
Forged SSS Registation Form Information Sources: This is the source of most of the information presented here showing the fraudulent SSS registration form. Her source
for the copy of the SSS registration and the RIMS HISTORY Inquiry Screen printout shown are here and in the website. Pictures
of the forms with ALPHABET markings showing errors and deceptions are on her website. Most of the references in my presentation
for impeachment were made known to me from Debbie Schlussel's website.
** "UPDATE #2, 11/14/08: Retired Federal
Agent Source Reveals Himself: The recently retired federal agent has requested that I disclose his identity so that there
is no question as to the source of the information. His name is Stephen Coffman. He retired last year from the position
of the Resident Agent in Charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Galveston, Texas office. He has over 32 years
of government service and has held a Secret or higher security clearance for the majority of those years. He filed the
FOIA with Selective Service and has the original letter and the attachments. He first notified the Selective Service of his
findings and they ignored the questions. He can be reached via email at
(StephenCoffman: “I have provided the registration form, the computer screen printout, the letter from
the Selective Service, and the envelope. If anyone thinks I forged or altered the documents, please go to and
click on the FOIA link. And request the documents yourself. The unredacted information (name, DOB, address, Selective Service
number etc.) is in the public a federal agent, I know there are ways to ask for something that will produce the
documents From my experience when a normal request does not produce anything..... StephenCoffman Posted by: StephenCoffman at November 19, 2008 09:22 PM” Polarik's final report: Obama's 'Born' Conspiracy Forged images, phony photos, and felony fraudThe Greater Evil ^ 11/22/08 Polarik (Ron Polarik PhD), Date Oct. 22, 2008, State of Hawaii, Andy Martin for
winning court decision: There is a long form on file in Hawaii.
Comments by: Joan Swirsky ( is a New York-based journalist and author who can be reached at "
The evidence will show that the Selective
Service System Registration Form that was submitted was neither submitted in time, possibly not at all, and definitely forged
and altered to make it appear he had registered in 1980 when it fact it was filed, if at all, in 2008 and definitely presented
in 2008 just before the election.
** SSS Registration Form shows no ID was presented.
** Postal Stamp is Falsified.
The rounder date stamp was discontinued in 1970: Then, there is the question as to whether the Postal Stamp is real. The "postmark"
stamp--labeled "E"--is hard to read, but it is clear that at the bottom is "USPO" which stands typically for United States
Post Office. However, current "postmark" validator, registry, or round dater stamps (item 570 per the Postal Operations Manual)
shows "USPS" for United States Postal Service. The change from Post Office to Postal Service occurred on August 12, 1970,
when President Nixon signed into law the most comprehensive postal legislation since the founding of the Republic--Public
Law 91-375. The new Postal Service officially began operations on July 1, 1971.
The postal stamp was fraudulent on several
counts, one, the postal service rounder date stamp had changed from USPO to USPS in 1970, there is always supposed to be a
full four digit date (1980), but there was only an 80 offset with part of the 8 chopped off, there was no clerk code saying
who the postal stamp belonged to as required. It is a federal offence to tamper with a postal date stamp. Example of an offence
and more information on the date stamp is at : See comment : Posted by: Vicki551 at November 14, 2008 03:53 AM Interesting pictures of round daters in HI in 1980. All 4 digits. Includes USPO and USPS at bottom.Posted by: Fwapsk
at November 17, 2008 11:47 AM *****
THE LAW AND EVIDENCE : ** In 1980 the law was just renewed and registration
for those born in 1961 required registration in the week beginning Monday, July 28, 1980.
[1-103. Persons born in calendar year
1961 shall present themselves for registration on any of the six days beginning Monday, July 28, 1980.]
Barack Obama
II should have registered from July 28 to August 2, 1980 which he did not, probably because he was not required to register
because he was a non citizen on student or visitor visa. (That would make him ineligible to be president.)
When Barack
Obama II became a possible winning candidate for the president and people were calling for his eligibility to be shown, he
and others created a false SSS Registration Form using a 1990 form and fraudulent stamp dated July 29, 80. He signed it as
July 30, 1980, possibly showing he signed the form ahead of time in anticipating someone else registering for him. Someone
else probably registered him a day earlier without realizing his signature had a date attached. No ID was presented. A later
printout showed more falsification and forgery.
** Obama's Selective Service Registration Form is Apparently 1990
Form Altered to Appear Like 1980 Form
"On the SSS Form 1, in the lower left hand corner is the form number (SSS Form
1) and the month and year version of the form, labeled as "B". On this particular Form 1, it clearly shows the month as "FEB"
(February), and the year is either "80" or "90". The retired federal agent investigated further:
Magnification of
the form both physically (with a 10x glass) or with different image software does not reflect a clear cut result of either
a "80" or a "90". But, checking the history of SSS Form 1 (see, it's apparent that in February 1980, the Selective Service agency withdrew a "Request for a new OMB control number" for SSS Form 1 (see also, here)--meaning the agency canceled its previous request for a new form, and one was never issued in "FEB 1980".
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. No. 96-511, 94 Stat. 2812 (Dec. 11, 1980), codified in part at Subchapter
I of Chapter 35 of Title 44 a federal agency can not use a form not approved by OMB (Office of Management and Budget), it's
nearly impossible for Senator/President-Elect Obama's SSS Form 1 to be dated "Feb 1980." And since that makes it almost certainly
dated "Feb 1990," then how could Barack Obama sign it and the postal clerk stamp it almost ten (10) years before its issue?!
Simply not possible.
The lower right hand corner reflects that the Obama SSS form 1 was approved by OMB with an approval
number of 19??0002, labeled as "C". The double question marks (??) reflect digits that are not completely clear."
of tampering digitally are imprinted on both the forged birth certificate and the SSS registration card and RIMS HISTORY printout.
"I checked the image headers with a hex editor, and just like Obama's alleged forged BC's, both have "Ducky" and "Adobe" embedded
in each of these selective service images also." Posted by: Jackson Pearson at November 13, 2008 05:28 PM at
** Document Location Number Indicates Barack Obama’s Selective Service Registration Form was created in 2008
not in 1980 as required:
The Document Location Number (DLN) on the form in the upper right hand corner of the Selective
Service form "SSS Form 1", there is the standard Bates-stamped DLN, in this case "0897080632," which is labeled as "A" on
both the SSS Form and the computer printout document on Debbie Schlussel's website. The first two numbers indicate the year
the person registered. On the form, it reflects a 2008 creation (beginning 08); but on the printout, an extra eight was added
in front of the number to make it look like it is from 1980 instead of 2008 when it was actually created. That is forgery. The SSS Registration Form DLN # (upper right designated "A" has 10 numbers beginning with 08 indicating created in
2008; the same number on the RIMS HISTORY inquiry screen printout has an added 8 in front making 11 numbers (showing falsification)
and appearing to indicate creation in 1980.) Either Barack Obama or one of his friends at the Chicago, Illinois based Selective
Service System Data Management Center (DMC), or both, were able to add the 8 on the computer printout, but either could not
find, forgot or could not change the Bates-Stamped Data Locator number on a SSS Registration Form.
This should be
easy to check out. ["When a young man reaches 18 he can go to any of the 35,000 post offices nationwide to register with Selective
Service. There he completes a simple registration card and mails it to the Selective Service System. This begins a multi-step
process which results in the man's registration.
Each week approximately 6,000 completed registration cards are sent
to the Selective Service System's Data Management System (DMC) near Chicago, Ill. At the DMC these cards are grouped into
manageable quantities. Each card is then microfilmed and stamped with a sequential document locater number. The processed
microfilm is reviewed to account for all documents and to ensure that the film quality is within strict standards. After microfilming,
the cards are keyed and then verified by a different data transcriber."] *****
The evidence shows that Daniel Amon a Project Manager for
Art-Z Graphics posing as an SSS representative verified the registration of Barack Obama as September 4, 1980. He was most
probably part of the fraud. (" "After contacting the Selective Service System for an answer several times since late June, Pajamas Media obtained
official confirmation from the Selective Service System via email that Barack Obama did indeed register for the Selective
Service as required by law, and is eligible to run for the presidency. Daniel Amon is the contact Pajamasmedia claimed they
received confirmation of Barack Obama's SSS form from: (letter follows:
“Mr. Owens, Barack Hussein Obama registered
at a post office in Hawaii. The effective registration date was September 4, 1980. His registration number is 61-1125539-1.
Daniel Amon" Public Affairs Specialist" ”
""Daniel Amon? Boy, you sure have a lot to say when it comes to
draft issues. Who are you? FROM: I can't seem to find a Daniel Amon with the I see him quoted as a spokesperson often in KOS type forums
and articles. BUT, I was able to find a Daniel Amon, a Project Manager with Art-Z Graphics. Art-Z Graphics also does contract
work for the .See for example: 2, Footer, in "invisible ink". SSS Annual Report 2004FINAL.inddFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML ... Military Selective Service Act,
Section 10(g). Cover Design and Layout, Laurie Zaleski and Neal Dallmer of Art-Z Graphics. Project manager, Dan Amon. ... - Similar pages
Maybe someone can confirm Dan Amon's position with
Especially since I found him to be a graphics expert with and Debbie found a doctered SSS form for Barack Obama? Selective
Service System’s Arlington, VA headquarters at 703-605-4100 Posted by: CalperniaUSA at November 14, 2008 01:00 PM "")
"The Selective Service Data Mgt. Center Stonewalled for Almost a Year on
Obama Registration, Until Right Before the Election. Finally Daniel Amon ( Project Manager with Art-Z Graphics posing as Public
Affairs Specialist with SSS) said Barack Obama filed Sept. 4, 1980, yet he was attending Occidental College where classes
began August 24, 1980."
(Barack Obama would have filed in California where the school was, instead of Hawaii if he
registered Sept 4, 1980) The previously released SSS registration card showed he registered July 29, 80. The discrepancy in
dates comes from the fact this last verification was using the law after the 1980 registration (a man must register within
30 days of 18th birthday.) August 4, 1961 birth date - September 4, 1980 registration, apparently unable to find information
of the July 29th registration; either it did not exist or he was unaware of it. Faulty selective service registration card – should have his name as Barry Soetoro, at least until the divorce
decree in November 6, 1980.
The copy of the Divorce Decree between Stanley Ann Soetoro and Lolo Soetoro that became
final on Nov 6 1980.includes “The parties have 1 children below age 18 and 1 chidren above 18 but still dependent on
the parties for education.” The private schooling at Punahou private school would have been paid for by Lolo Soetoro
and it is blogged that he was known as Barry Soetoro at Occidental College and he did not stop using the name until he changed
colleges. Since he was legally adopted by Lolo Soetoro who was paying for his schooling, he would have been a non-citizen
on a student or visitor visa and would not have had to register for the Selective Service System. This would make him ineligible
to be President of the United States. ***** ** "In August 2008, the Obama/Biden released Biden’s Selective Service
file which showed that Biden received the same number of deferments as VP Cheney. But not one word on Senator Obama’s registration even though there were questions posted on his own website
by Stephen Coffman. This indicates there was no Selective Service File for Barack Obama in August 2008 but a printout was available
September 9, 2008 from Daniel Amon, the Project Manager for Art-Z Graphics.
** Evidence Barack Obama knew he could
not pass an eligibility investigation: He rejected using public funding when he told the voters and his fellow candidates,
John McCain and others, he would limit himself to public funding. He found FEC must verify candidate's eligibility to participate
in public funding.
"In the Berg v Obama lawsuit, the FEC has responded to the suit, asking to be removed from the
suit as it is not the responsibility of the FEC to verify a candidates eligibility. THE FEC only verifies a candidates eligibility
to participate in public funding, which, Obama is not participating in. So, we now have the FEC washing their hands of verification,
as well as the FBI washing their hands."
There is clear evidence of fraud, falsification/forgery of documents to deceive
the voters, people, media and government of the United States to get control of the government by deceit. There is an urgent
need to remove Barack Hussein Obama II from the office of President of the United States and to dissolve the government he
formed and to impeach him if he fails to voluntarily step down.
EVIDENCE. ===================================================================
EVIDENCES SOURCES: Polarik's final report: Obama's 'Born' Conspiracy Forged images, phony photos, and felony fraudThe Greater Evil ^ 11/22/08 Polarik (Ron Polarik PhD), Date Oct. 22, 2008,
State of Hawaii, Andy Martin for winning court decision: There is a long form on file in Hawaii. Comments by: Joan Swirsky ( is a New York-based journalist and author who can be reached at "
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COLB - CERTIFICATE OF LIFE BIRTH (referred
** Barack Hussein Obama II has spent over $800,000 to hide his
birth certificate, passport, medical records and school records from public view. It is reported he has approximately 25 social
security numbers under his various names. The birth certificate he provided is a COLB - Certificate of Live Birth, is fabricated
and/or forged and his supporters verified it. Note: "'s "proof" of the certificate. But let's not forget
that FactCheck is owned by the Annenberg Foundation, the same foundation that gave millions of dollars to Obama and his unrepentant
terrorist pal William Ayers for an "education" project. To me, that makes FactCheck ipso facto the least credible source of
factual information. "
"Infinitely more credible is the research done by, among others, Pennsylvania attorney Philip
J. Berg (ObamaCrimes), Chicago journalist Andy Martin, ContrarianCommentaryBlog and author Jerome Corsi (The Obama Nation), who have cast persuasive, data-provided doubt not only that the birth certificate(s) so far produced were blatant
forgeries, but that Obama - and his leftwing media lapdogs - have been concealing the fact that he was born in a hospital
in Mombasa, Kenya, a birth his Kenyan grandmother is on record saying she and Obama's half-brother and half-sister attended.
"Comments by: Joan Swirsky ( is a New York-based journalist and author who can be reached at "
***** ** Polarik's final report: Obama's 'Born' Conspiracy Forged images, phony photos, and felony fraudThe Greater Evil ^ 11/22/08 Polarik (Ron Polarik PhD) (NOTE: COLB stands for Certificate of Live Birth)
”I have thoroughly examined
the photographs that FactCheck published, and have subsequently found clear and irrefutable evidence of tampering with both
the alleged COLB objects photographed and with the photos themselves. One of those COLB objects was, in fact, a printout of
a forged document image with the Seal superimposed onto it for the final pictures. FactCheck’s photos reveal both the
absence of known, relevant features found on genuine COLBs along with the presence of illogical and impossible features that
would never be found on a real 2007 COLB. Specifically, on the COLB objects photographed, the security border closely matches
the border found on a real 2007 COLB. However, both the embossed Seal and the State Registrar’s Signature stamp do not
match the same elements found on a real 2007 COLB, but perfectly match those found on a real 2008 COLB; or, in other words,
something that would never happen in real life.
Hawaii made three important changes to their COLBs from 2007 to 2008,
including the use of a larger certificate layout, a new security border, and, much to the chagrin of Factcheck and the Obama
Campaign, a new Seal and Signature stamp that can now be stamped on a COLB by a machine.
With my experience and specialization
in document imaging, my findings are conclusive and irrefutable that the COLB images posted by Obama to his campaign website,, to the, a pro-Obama blog, to, a pro-Obama political research group, and to, are, in fact, image forgeries with the intent to defraud the American People into believing that these images
were digitally scanned from Obama’s genuine, “original” birth certificate.
With my experience and
specialization in photography and digital imaging, my findings are conclusive and irrefutable that the COLB photographs posted
by, a pro-Obama political research group, and to, are, in fact, photographic forgeries with the
intent to defraud the American People into believing that these digital photographs were taken of Obama’s genuine, “original”
birth certificate. ***** ** Barack Obama stated in his book, “Dreams of My Father” that he found his birth
certificate when he was in high school.
**, Date Oct.
22, 2008, State of Hawaii, Andy Martin for winning court decision: There is a long form on file in Hawaii.
EVIDENCES +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
CONCLUSION : Conclusive, convicting,
and easily verifiable evidence is included here showing that President Barack Hussein Obama II should be removed from office
immediately and impeached. He has attained his office by corruption, forgery, conspiracy and deceit and has not shown identification
that could clear him for a security clearance and yet he commands the military and has access to sensitive information in
many agencies; and he authority to launch armies and nuclear armaments. His administration and activities since becoming president
fraudulently should be disavowed and removed. This is a serious national security problem.
Marie Devine
3023 Montgall Ave Kansas City, MO 64128-1528 PS. I expect to place this on my website and distribute it
to Representatives and Senators if needed. 2/10/09 9PM
12-12-11 December 12, 2011 I hope
to move where I can TEACH LEADERS OF GOVERNMENTS and RELIGIONS and others like you in person. They need to hear details
of how to solve the problems with the WRITTEN WORD OF GOD. PRAY. Would God like
you to be a part of this? The KINGDOM OF GOD is where the government rests upon the word of God
as written. We can have it when we want it. God has prepared the way before us.
Elections are near, call
for someone with understanding to lead our nation with God’s wisdom. That is our greatest security and defense
in all matters.
When I asked God, Should I provide a place for donations? the answer came
back: "Small donations are called for. It's the right thing to do."